Volunteer Roles
Our organisation thrives thanks to the incredible dedication of volunteers who contribute in a wide variety of roles, ensuring we can deliver impactful programs and services. From instructors and bushcraft experts to risk management specialists, youth volunteers (aged 14-17), and mentors, each plays a vital part. Volunteers also support as assessors, Duke of Edinburgh Adventurous Journey shadows, admin assistants, and non-instructing support members. Others lend their skills as website contributors, committee members, branch officials, and in many other capacities.
An OTNZ Instructor Member may:
Instruct on courses for the public, either organised by an OTNZ branch or at a Regional or National level
Instruct on courses run in conjunction with a specific organisation or community group(s)
Make presentations to community groups such as tramping clubs, youth organisations and schools
Promote and encourage safe practices in outdoor activities through participating in community events
Be involved in training other volunteer instructors
Become an assessor for industry standard recognised qualifications
and more...
An OTNZ Supporter Member role may include:
Support person, promotion, cook, etc.
Attend branch meetings
Act as an Assistant Instructor on a course UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION (that is, in the immediate presence) of a fully qualified Instructor
Either a Police Vet through OTNZ OR a recent Criminal Conviction History Report is required for admin roles which involve:
bookkeeping, bank signatory, handling more than an insignificant amount of money or similar
access to youth member or participant contact information
Becoming a Volunteer:
We have established an acceptance and training pathway for our volunteers.
Applicants must have an interest in maintaining safety in the outdoors.
Applicants must be at least 17 years old, or 14+ years old for the youth section.
There is a police vetting procedure for applicants for all member roles (instructional, volunteer support, and even including office support). Some of the participants on our courses are minors and thus as an organisation we are providing instruction to minors and are also handling the personal information of minors.
This is repeated each revalidation cycle (3 years).
In addition instructors, assistant instructors and youth members must:
Maintain a current First Aid Certificate.
Maintain a current logbook of personal and leadership outdoor experience.
Participate in the revalidation process every 3 years
Our aim is to provide FREE personal training and qualification pathways for members. Members are expected to participate in volunteer activities to retain their eligibility for this.
Benefits for Members:
Training to obtain / upgrade relevant recognised industry standard qualifications. These qualifications can be recognised outside of OTNZ by commercial outdoor adventure operators.
Personal satisfaction that you are helping others
to experience the outdoors safely
to enhance their experience of the outdoors for the rest of their lives
Friendship of others with similar life skills and values