Welcome to OTNZ (Outdoor Training NZ)

We are dedicated to providing high quality cost effective bushcraft instruction...
to give you the skills for greater safe enjoyment of the outdoors

Dawn - Mt Ruapehu from Rangiwahia Hut

Outdoor Training NZ Courses Available

Auckland Branch Courses

OTNZ takes its health and safety responsibilities seriously, including the prevention of Kauri Dieback disease, limiting the spread of Covid 19 and the health and wellbeing of everyone attending our courses - the location and restrictions relating to our courses reflect this.

Youth group leaders may request the discounted course fee during the registration process.
Please advise your organisation you are volunteering with.

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Bay of Plenty Branch Courses

Upcoming Courses planned by Bay of Plenty Branch Outdoor Training NZ:

The following Bushcraft courses cover the DofEIA training requirements for Adventurous Journeys:

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Canterbury Branch Courses

Upcoming Courses planned by Canterbury Branch Outdoor Training NZ:

If you are interested in joining a course in Canterbury please contact:
Admin - Robyn Draper and Anne Commons email otnzcanterbury@gmail.com

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Manawatu Branch Courses

Upcoming courses planned by Manawatu Branch Outdoor Training NZ:

Adult Bushcraft Courses

The following document provides details of the bushcraft courses for adults run by the Manawatu Branch:

River Safety Courses

The following document provides details of the river safety courses run by the Manawatu Branch

Duke of Edinburgh and Youth Programmes

The following documents provide details courses and journeys for the Duke of Edinburgh Award run by the Manawatu Branch. The courses listed will also be suitable for youth interested in bushcraft even if they are not completing the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Bronze = Basic Bushcraft, Silver = Intermediate Bushcraft and Gold = Advanced Bushcraft.




For further information on Manawatu Branch OTNZ courses please email Heather Grady: chair@outdoortraining.nz or phone (06) 354 1104 or 021 210 9859.

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Waikato Branch Courses

Introduction to the Outdoors, Bushcraft, Basic Navigation, Night Navigation, River Safety courses now on offer again!! Learn how to be safe in the bush and on rivers, learn navigation, bushcraft and campcraft skills and much more in small groups from our enthusiastic, experienced and qualified instructors.

  • Introduction to the Outdoors
  • This course is designed to provide some fundamental knowledge, skills and confidence for people to be able to enjoy more safely a one-day or overnight hike. It briefly covers planning, weather, an introduction to basic map reading skills, location awareness, safety around water, personal and group safety, clothing and gear and what to do when things go wrong.

    When and Where: 7-9 pm theory night during the week via Zoom.
    Practical is the following Saturday, 8am - 5pm in the Mangakara Nature Walk area of Pirongia (off Grey Road). Maps provided.

    Prerequisites participants must:

    Please find course dates on Outdoor Training Waikato Facebook page. Courses can be run on demand providing there are Instructors available.


    NB: for more in depth knowledge on navigation, bush and camp craft and water safety, see other available courses.

    Email inquiries to: waikatoadmin@outdoortraining.nz
    Registration and payment is required prior to the course.

  • Basic Navigation Course
  • Course Information

    This course is an introduction to basic navigation and includes theory and practical sessions, covering map reading and compass use. The practical field trip includes learning location awareness in a simple off-track environment and also develops and reinforces the map and compass skills learnt during the theory session.

    Course Fee $75 per person. Registration and payment is required prior to the course.
    An in-depth course to teach skills and knowledge to enable safe navigation in the bush.

    When and Where: 7-9pm theory night during the week then the practical on Saturday or Sunday, 9am - 4pm at Kaniwhaniwha, Pirongia. Maps and compasses provided.

    Prerequisites participants must:

    Please find course dates on Outdoor Training Waikato Facebook page. Courses can be run on demand providing there are Instructors available.


    Enquiries to Outdoor Training Waikato:
    Email waikatoadmin@outdoortraining.nz

    Courses can be run on demand providing there are Instructors available.
    Registration and payment is required prior to the course.

  • Night Navigation Course
  • Course Information

    This course is a introduction to navigating at night. It will teach you skills and give you confidence to navigate during the hours of darkness. It will cover approximately the same route as taken on our Basic Navigation course.

    Course Fee $75 per person. Registration and payment is required prior to the course.

    When and Where: no theory night; practical on Saturday night 7-10pm at Kaniwhaniwha, Pirongia. Maps, compasses and hi-viz vests provided.

    Prerequisites participants must be / have:

    Please find course dates on Outdoor Training Waikato Facebook page. Courses can be run on demand providing there are Instructors available.

    Enquiries to Outdoor Training Waikato:
    Email waikatoadmin@outdoortraining.nz

    Courses can be run on demand providing there are Instructors available.
    Registration and payment is required prior to the course.

  • Basic Bushcraft Weekend Course

    This course is designed to provide basic knowledge, skills and confidence for people who would like to get into day or overnight tramping but lack the experience to do so safely. The course briefly covers planning (including websites for information and weather), clothing, equipment, communication devices, environmental awareness, navigation (map and compass), shelters (sleeping outdoors), first aid, weather, river safety awareness, and basic survival techniques.

    When and Where: 7-9pm theory night during the week then an overnight practical trip over the weekend at either Pirongia or in the Kaimais. Saturday 8am to Sunday approx. 3pm. Maps and compasses provided. A few tents available if required.

    Please find course dates on Outdoor Training Waikato Facebook page. Courses can be run on demand providing there are Instructors available.

    Prerequisites participants must:

    Email inquiries to: waikatoadmin@outdoortraining.nz
    Registration and payment is required prior to the course.

  • River Safety One Day Courses Karangahake Gorge
  • Waikato Instructors will be assisting with Auckland Outdoor Training River Safety Instructors in Karangahake Gorge. See dates on Outdoor Training Auckland.

    We can also run additional courses on demand providing there are Instructors available.

    Enquiries to Outdoor Training Waikato:
    Email inquiries to waikatoadmin@outdoortraining.nz

    Registration and payment is required prior to the course.

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    Wellington Branch Courses

    Upcoming courses planned by Wellington Branch Outdoor Training NZ:

    We run a range of outdoor training courses from specialist courses on Navigation, River Safety, Outdoor Risk Management and Outdoor First Aid to more general ones covering a range of different aspects of Bushcraft.

    Note: the topics covered on all the bushcraft courses are the same, however the level of information covered and practised will increase with each level. All courses involve travel in the bush carrying all your gear, and will require a reasonable level of fitness.

    The following document provides details of the upcoming courses run by the Wellington Branch: OTNZ Wellington Courses

    For further information on Wellington Branch OTNZ courses please email: wellingtonoutdoortraining@gmail.com

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    About Our Courses

    It is our philosophy that although you can learn facts from books, videos, and the internet about how to have a safe and enjoyable time in the New Zealand outdoors, that there is no substitute for developing personal skills by practical experience under the guidance of highly experienced outdoors people.

    We offer that practical experience to develop your skills in our high quality cost effective instruction courses. We achieve our low course costs because our Instructors are all highly motivated experienced volunteers who want to share their years of experience with you.

    All of our Instructors have industry recognised qualifications in their areas of expertise.

    As Members and Instructors join us we expect to be able to offer a range of Outdoor Training Courses. These courses will include:

    We are offering TWO skill development pathways:

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    Our Sponsors and Friends

    Federated Mountain Clubs Inspire Internet Service Provider Find us on Facebook
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    Benjamin Franklin: "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn."

    © Outdoor Training NZ (Inc), 2024 Sitemap